Configuring an Inspection Layer

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Configuring an Inspection Layer

In Dielmo Maps, you can create inspection layers that allow you to customize the elements to be inspected. These layers consist of two main parts: the report configuration and the images on which the inspection will be conducted.

### Types of Fields in Inspection Layers

There are two types of fields in the inspection layers:

**Listable Fields**: These fields are configured with a list of options that the user defines beforehand. For example, you can create fields for different types of defects such as cracks, rust, or any other anomalies.

**Primitive Fields**: These fields allow you to select variables from different sources:
– **Internal Database**: Predefined variables in Dielmo Maps.
– **Listed Tags**: Tags already configured in the system.
– **External Database**: External data associated with the report once completed.

#### Types of Primitive Fields
– **Manual Fields**: Can be editable or not and can be of type string, integer, decimal, date, or boolean.
– **Database Fields**: Allow selecting information from the metadata of the images, such as name, latitude, longitude, or creation date. These fields are ideal for linking the inspection with other external sources.
– **Tagging Characteristics**: Include precision, comments, editor/creator of the tag, tagging date, etc.
– **External Source**: Allows cross-referencing information with other files using the photo identifier as the joining field.

Both types of fields must have an associated name at the time of their definition.

### Default Listable Fields

By default, there are three mandatory listable fields:
– **User Tag Definition List**: Defines the type of detection performed.
– **Severity Level**: Defines the severity of the detection, with the option to assign colors for better graphical interpretation.
– **Action to be Taken**: Defines the actions to be taken from a predefined list.

### Exporting and Importing Inspection Fields

Once the inspection fields are configured, they can be exported and loaded into future inspection layers.

### AI Detections

The inspection layer also supports automatic detections using artificial intelligence. In the “AI Detections” section, you can upload a trained model (.dmod) and define the precision level to validate a detection. The trained tags are loaded automatically and listed as “Non-modifiable DMOD tag list”.

### Report Fields Order

The final step is to order the fields of the report using the “Set order of fields defined” tool. Here you can arrange the position of all fields (predefined and custom) and decide if they will be included in the final report by checking the reportability box.

### Uploading and Configuring Images

After configuring the report, you can upload the images to be inspected. Upon uploading, the metadata of the images such as position, width, height, and name will be loaded. If you have an external orientation file with position and rotations, you can incorporate it using the “upload orientations” tool. In this same table, you can see information about the tagging status of the image after the inspection.

### Starting the Inspection

Once the inspection layer is configured, whether on standard images or 360 images, you can start the inspection.

For more information and assistance, visit inspection on standard image or on 360 image.

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