Countdown for the launch of the Dielmo Maps Saas platform at the Energy Drone & Robotics Summit, June 2024, Houston


Dielmo Maps, the new cloud-based SaaS platform for processing high-resolution geospatial data, is about to be made available to the public. This launch will take place at the Energy Drone & Robotics Summit in Houston, from June 10th to 12th 2024, where we will be present as sponsors and exhibitors.

The Dielmo maps platform offers online access to geospatial data, with visual inspection tools and customizable report generation. It is the result of our latest R&D project (2021/C005/00146211) – “Massive cloud-based processing solution for real-time high-resolution georeferenced images” – which was subsidized by the European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Digital Transformation, through the entity. The differential factors that make our platform unique can be found here.

The Energy Drone & Robotics Summit is a forum that fosters and promotes innovation in unmanned system operations in energy and industrial companies worldwide. The 8th Annual Summit is the world’s most important event for UAV, robotics technology, and data/IA/ML, 3D capture, geospatial and digital design, focused on business and technology in energy and industrial operations – inspections, maintenance, surveying, and mapping.

We are pleased to be present at the event showcasing our geospatial data processing solutions, and building strong relationships through our local presence in the United States.

Everyone attending the Energy Drone & Robotics Summit is invited to visit us at booth #213 to share their needs and find suitable solutions for them. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with leaders in the drone and utilities ecosystem, and to learn firsthand how Dielmo Maps can improve their geospatial data programs.

For those unable to attend the EDR, the countdown to registering for a free 3-month trial has already begun on our website and will be open to the public from June 10th.

Our participation in EDRC 2024 has been co-financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU: